Checking Every Detail
Keep your property well-protected by having armed agents placed in the area to secure the premises. Our agents leave a strong first-impression, allowing your company to become a secure location. When you call us, we survey the area to determine how many guards are needed to secure the area. Our consulting experience allows us to ensure your projects are safe from being breached. No matter what the occasion is, we supply you with dependable security services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Trained Security Agents
Each staff member undergoes an extensive screening and qualification process before employment is offered. All of our agents are thoroughly trained to perform our client's specific needs and requirements. They secure the perimeter to make sure there are no intrusions, the doors are locked, and they patrol the property at all times.
We train them to do more than just deter, detect and report, they are concierge, receptionist, and representative of your company. Each agent has a chain of command, reaching to the executive vice president of our company. They also receive regular checks by our executives, managers, and operations managers, making sure they are always ready for the job at hand.